Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Today at school I learned a little bit about "Bad Guys"and Kidnappers from a Pre-School Perspective.
I love the kids that I work with and have learned so much from them, and I've also had to sit back and listen without Laughing, and anybody that knows me even a little, knows I'm not real Mature, and once I start laughing, I Really have a hard time pulling it together. This was one of those times :)
There I was sitting at breakfast eating my yogurt, minding my own business and this little boy stopped in his tracks and asked me  "if I knew about kidnappers? I said "please eat your breakfast" (Rude, right?) Anyways he persisted, "Well do ya? I said, kidnappers are scary and I stay far away from them.  he said "Well my brother told me, Kidnappers eat yogurt and So you Must be a kidnapper!! I about choked on my yogurt. It was hilarious, I seriously about peed my pants!
He then informed me of multiple other things that these Yogurt eating bad guys do, and he was dead serious!
They hide under beds, they steal backpacks(probably looking for yogurt) they take kids far away and leave them there, they have big eyes and eat rocks and worst of ALL they "toot fire" his words, not mine. HA HA

Just want you all to have fair warning, so you can look out for these bad guys. They sound pretty frightening to me, and I'm pretty darn sure, I'll never be able to eat yogurt again without thinking of Bad guys.
Gosh I Love that Kid!

1 comment:

  1. You blog too? SWEET! So, tell me about this health challange--just in case I all of the sudden feel like I can quit drinking Diet Coke and can drag myself off the couch to exercise every day--What are the rules?

    Take care!
