Sunday, September 11, 2011


WOW- It's Been FOREVER since my last blog post!

Life is busy, so I'll try to cram a quick journal session into a shortish(yes this is a word :) post!

My last post was my broken ankle anniversary, so since then

Piano Man- Nope Piano Woman-- I've signed myself up for Piano Lessons, It's been a dream of mine to play the piano and someday this will not be a dream, it will be a Reality. My piano teacher is someone I've known for years and has taught me to love singing. She was in charge when I joined "The Bush Bronco Singers" when I was in 3rd grade. She is an Amazing piano player and I'm so excited to learn all I can from her and hopefully learn and increase my skill so someday, I will be successful at playing Canon in D.  WAHOO, Yes, I'm that excited!!

I'm no longer the 2nd Counselor in the Relief Society Presidency, which I will say was a heartbreaking day for me, Poor Bishop Walker :). I really truly learned to love the Relief Society program, but most of all, I Love the Sister's in the 4th Ward so much, I've never met so many loving, compassionate and selfless women. Such great examples too me and my life was so blessed serving them and learning from their examples.

This brings me to my new adventure in the Church- Primary 2nd Counselor-
Although I was sad to leave Relief Society, I was excited for this new call. I have always loved Primary and I love the kids in my ward. Nothing makes me smile more inside and out to get a hug or a smile from one of these sweet children, I know that this is where I am supposed to be right now, and I know it's not because the kids need me, but because I need them!! I'm pretty close to knowing ALL their names :)

Hospice- This is a big blessing. Willow is now under the care of Aspen Hospice. I will say I don't know the Nurse, Monica very well, but she has been so great with the Willow and has been so sweet to me. Watching someone that you love, decline is tough.  I love my Willow so Much and can't honestly imagine my life without her, these last few years since I've lived with her, I feel a special bond and every time, I think of the day that she won't be there, makes my heart hurt. I know at times I get frustrated with being a care taker, but I wouldn't trade this time, because someday it will be gone, and I'll only have the memories. Love you Willow

Sink or Swim-  I set a goal for myself this year to learn to Water Ski- Well first you have to know how to swim before you can accomplish this task. Well I can swim sorta, but a friend of mine challenged me to come swim with her in Rigby Lake to conquer my "Open Water Swimming Fear". Growing up in I.F. I have swam in this lake a few times, and it never gets any cleaner :)  so to say that I was grossed out was a correct statement. I entered the water early in the morning wearing Blue tinted Goggles and a Lavender swim cap and a swimsuit of Course! I'm so thankful that there is no photos to show the extreme sexiness of that morning!!  I'll be honest, I stood waist deep in the chilly water, with fear coursing through me. I then took a deep breath( actually several, but who's counting? ) and said a prayer and dove in. I swam and didn't drown. It felt amazing. I also went off a water slide, and for anyone that knows me, this was fear #2 conquered! What a Day!!!  Thanks, Mandy for helping me get through this day :)--  Side Note-- I will have to learn to water ski next year, but I'll be ready!!!

Back to School-  Yep it's that time again. School is back in session. I have worked as a Pre- K aide for 6 yrs now and I love almost everything about this job, minus the Drama, the Snot, the Poop, the Lice, the crying and Riding a freezing cold bus at the Buttcrack of Dawn, where yes, I can see my breathe it's that COLD!!!  I'm so lucky once again, to work with some of the greatest kids on the planet!!!

Health Challenge Mania-  I just finished another Health challenge and although my team didn't win it was a great team, I love these health Challenges and meeting new people and forming friendships from the daily accountability. With that being said, I'm pretty sure I'll die with the new challenge that begins Sept 19th it is 12 weeks!!!  Yes I said 12 Weeks, that is 4 weeks longer and covers Halloween and Thanksgiving!! O Wish Me Luck!! 

Life isn't Fair- Or is It??  I look forward to September, because of the Eastern Idaho State fair. There's just something about being at a place that is SO crowded and smells like cow poop, mixed with Fried foods, mingled with musical talents and rides, and so much more. the last 2 years I have splurged and went on a few rides with Nathan, this is probably my favorite part.

OH BABY--  I will be an Aunt again within the next few weeks!!  I always wanted to be an Aunt and for the last 4 1/2 years I've been one and have Loved it so Much, My niece is the greatest, she's got Spunk and Sass and is sweet as can be. My favorite that she says lately is "Hi Favorite-ist Aunt Stacy"  she is the best Niece ever and I seriously cant wait to hold my little Nephew.  Oh I Love babies, they are just so great!!

Well I'm sure I forget 1 or 2 important details, but I said, I'd keep it shortish :) -- Oops---

1 comment:

  1. YAY!!! When you look back at the past couple of months aren't you so proud of you!? I am! You have tons of great stuff going on. AND YOU GOT IN THE LAKE!!! I think you're the best ever. But you probably already knew that.
