Monday, August 8, 2011


3 years ago today, I went out to dance with my sweet little niece in the rain. It was a perfect night and who could resist playing outside in the rain. I grabbed that sweet girl and headed down the steps and before I even knew what happened I was laying on the steps in agony holding a screaming 1 year old! When I felt myself falling, I knew I had to throw myself back or I would hurt Reagan, so there I am flat on my back, holding my niece wondering how I was going to get help, and not traumatize the baby. As I laid there, trying not to scream out in pain, I prayed to figure things out, I called for help, but nothing! Finally I pulled myself together and lifted Reagan off me and told her to go to the door and get Ashley or Nathan. As I pounded on the house, she caught their attention by crying at the screen door.
Thankfully Reagan was okay physically, mentally I think she was pretty scared, as soon as I knew she was inside and okay, I let the tears pour, I was sobbing, I knew I had broken something! I knew I heard something crack and I prayed it was the stairs, but as I looked down sure enough my ankle was HUGE and all sorts of colors. I have never hurt so bad in my life!! Nathan was outside at that point, with Jacquee and in all the craziness my thought was, Now how was I going to get inside, out of the rain?? Well I crawled/dragged myself up 3 stairs and onto a "wheelie" computer chair, all while sobbing my eyes out. I immediately had Nate grab some ice and began soaking my foot, I hurt everywhere! When I fell, I had hit my head and my back, it all hurt but the pain in my ankle was overpowering all my thoughts, I, to this day think that if I hadn't prayed, I may have gone into shock and been in a bigger mess!
As I sat with my foot in a bucket of ice water, I began to panic!! If I had to go to the hospital, I Hadn't shaved that day and, What Happens if the Dr is Hot??? Priorities!! So I grabbed my electric razor and began shaving my legs, just in case :) Oh what an idiot!
So this whole time my parents and Jordan and Sara, are out on a date enjoying themselves,Without a cellphone!!! About 45 minutes after I fell, dad comes in and asks what's going on, so I told him what Happened and he talked to me for a minute and then went back outside, I knew he was going to go get my mom, well NO he gets back in the car to go get a movie to finish their date. (REALLY??) so they head off to the movie place and as they are driving he says" I think Stacy broke her leg?" I wish I could have been there! Of course mom had him come straight home! "Sorry to mess up date night" anyways they all got back and I started crying all over again, when little Reagan, told her mom, " Stacy, Owie, fell down, and then she started crying! Poor Girl! So after some talk and some drugs, I had convinced myself that it Simply couldn't be broken because #1- I didn't have insurance and #2  I Hate the thought of Dr's!!
To make this extremely long story, shorter I waited almost a week, and during this time, just played like it was sprained!!(once again, IDIOT) I got around on crutches and that amazing wheelie computer chair!
After listening to a friend say "you just have to bite your tongue and walk, "if it's sprained"I decided to do just that! OH MY GOSH! Worst Idea Ever!(are you convinced that I'm an Idiot??) I walked 8 steps with Ashley on one side and Nathan on the other,basically holding me up, and I cried the Whole time! After this I Knew I had to go into the Dr. So I headed to Urgent care and sure enough, it was Shattered! of course they couldn't fix it, So off to a Bone specialist I went, I have never been very coordinated, so me on crutches Was Not Pretty! As I Hobbled through the door to Dr. West's office, I was Horrified to see my neighbor(the Bishop's wife) with all her kids, she looked sick to see me like this! I was just so embarrassed that anyone had to see me at all!
I was immediately scheduled for surgery and after several hours of prep I headed in to surgery, I was in tears! Surgery and Doctors are Scary too me! It took several hours and then I was done! I ended up having to stay overnight because the surgery took longer and was more extensive than they thought! I am now the proud new owner of a ankle Full of Hardware! They cut my ankle open in three places to repair it, and placed 2 plates, 2 pins and 11 screws to hold it all together. Oh My Painful!!

2 days after

Soaking- 15 min ice-15 min hot

Showering- What a Nightmare :{

Headed to get the Cast on

Time to see the damage


28 staples in all

Still so swollen

almost ready

sexy right??

This was so incredibly painful. Pushing down to get the ankle in place so it would heal right

Cast Protector- Ugliest Ever!!!

                  FUN TIMES!! I'LL NEVER FORGET 08-08-08

Friday, August 5, 2011


Patience-- this word is slightly irritating to me right now. Because it's after 1 am and I'm am Patientely waiting for my mind to relax so I can drift off into a Deep sleep. This sleep thing has gotten really frustrating lately. I feel like my mind just goes 90 miles an hour and I can't seem to shut it down lately. I am exhausted!! In fact twice this week I've taken afternoon naps, because of my lack of sleep. I also fell asleep in the shower the other night and was awakened by Cold water. Brr :(
So tonight I'll share a quote from a very wise man, that has really had me thinking during all my sleepless nights recently..

Patience means accepting that which cannot be changed and facing it with courage, grace, and faith. It means being “willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon [us], even as a child doth submit to his father.” Ultimately, patience means being “firm and steadfast, and immovable in keeping the commandments of the Lord” every hour of every day, even when it is hard to do so.

This statement is really Hard for me to comprehend and at the same time so simple. If we are willing to become humble and realize that without Christ's help, life is IMPOSSIBLE,and if we
patiently wait for answers to prayers,and the divine help that we need to make it through
life, our lives will be so blessed. Sometimes such a hard thing to even imagine!
I know that learning to be Patienct wih ourselves is probably one of the hardest things, because we are sometimes, our own worst enemies and we fail at seeing what others see. But more importantly we fail to see what the Lord see's and I'm sure it would hurt him to know that we don't see the potential and arn't willing to give our best efforts in being steadfast and immovable.

This whole article is amazing and I encourage you to read it. It really has made me think!!
Lds.Org -Continue in patience -by Elder UcHtdorf.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


I Love Music!
Music is something that is calming and blocks out many thoughts!
I enjoy Variety, I even like listening to rap( a little Eminem is good for everyone), and I like it LOUD. My mom hates it, but that's why I have headphones :)
I have some favorites that I could listen to All day!
Right now I'm hooked on these songs


Can You Believe It?? Because I CAN NOT!!
Where has the Summer Gone? I wish I had a list to prove that my summer has been filled with exciting things and Vacations, sorry there is No such list.
Don't get me wrong, it's been a nice vacation to accomplish things that needed done, but I wish I had the means to just take off on a plane ride to, Well Any ware!!!
I'm excited to get back to a consistent schedule, and try to figure things out once and for all, and by that I mean, maybe for one week :)
I went to a play awhile back to support a friend, this Play was none other than the popular Willy Wonka, this is one very annoying movie, that I Absolutely Love, so I enjoyed the play, but there was a song that has Haunted me since then, called "THINK POSITIVE!!"  Dumbest song ever, okay maybe not the dumbest, but it has stuck with me, and often times, reminds me of just that! The fact that I need a more positive outlook on life!  Sometimes life just seems, Blah, and I get down and think that my life should be better, I deserve Better?? Right??  Well recently, I've done some thinking, and I have finally realized that, this is Totally up to me and No One Else, the happiness part. I can only be as happy as I make up my mind to be.  I can't be discouraged that I'm not married, if I sit around waiting and hoping that Prince Charming will come searching for me, and toss some rocks at my window, because let's face it, that would just be terrifying, and creepy and that kind of stuff only happens in fairy tales, which I have come to realize, that as Magical as they may seem, they are Just So Far From Real Life :), so if I want true Love, I guess I'm going to have to make some effort, and if I want a College Degree, I can't sit at the Computer hoping that someone will fill in the appropriate applications and then show up to class for me. unless there are any takers???  Because that would just be so great :)

So I guess what I'm trying to say is here I come :)
I'll keep ya posted on how that goes!! ha ha

I guess I should get off here and fill August full of fun adventures, before it's back to school and SNOW!!