Sunday, July 10, 2011


This week as I was out and about, What did I see at the stores?    SCHOOL SUPPLIES, Yes, that's right Pencils and Crayons and Rulers, OH MY!-(Yep I'm A dork) I started thinking about School and Learning and all that good stuff, well that got me thinking about the things I've Learned this week, and I was surprised at all the things that came to my mind.

 I will share my insights on what I've Learned or Re learned.

I am grateful for Family time
There is Nothing wrong with asking for help
I hate wearing a Swimsuit
I Absolutely Love everything Fireworks
Watermelon is Delicious
I can't draw Ladybugs the right way. Sorry Avery
That when I yell or get angry with people in public, I'm embarrassed and dwell on it for days
Life isn't easy, and that's okay
Crying is for Babies.When your big, it just gives you a headache and makes your face a Mess
Friends are Essential
Chocolate is a Necessary part of life
Babies are Precious
Exercise does not make me Smile
Talking in Public, will Never be a strong point for me
Clorox will ruin your favorite shirt, if given the chance
Trust takes time
Fresh Peaches are my favorite.. Again.  How did I possibly forget that one?
I'm Selfish and need to work on this area of life
Health Challenges are hard, when you NEED Chocolate
I could easily be pressured into Almost Anything. Kinda Scary
I can't wait for Harry Potter, and am pretty SAD that This is it
Chilling in a Hammock could be my new Favorite thing.
The Ensign has articles that could save lives
Swimming with 8 people in a small pool is less fun than swimming by myself
Gardening is fun, but pulling weeds, Stinks. I should train the rabbits 2 eat weeds, not my Veggies
Sometimes Prayer is the ONLY way to get through
I wish I could go to Girls Camp. I Love that place

Everyday there is a lesson to be learned, Even if it's something we have learned several times in our lives, we are given, people, examples, lessons, trials, joy, experiences, fear, peace and comfort, to make us better, stronger, and more trusting individuals. I know that sometimes, I forget this important lesson, and get caught up in the worldly things of life, but I know that everyday is a new day, and it should be filled with all kinds of learning experiences to makes us who we are.

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