Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Grandmother Willow

I've been thinking A lot about my Sweet Grandmother and How Lucky I am to have her in my life! She will probably never see this post, but I thought I'd Write some things about this Great Lady, so I will never forget the good times!

 Dear Grandmother Willow,
You probably don't even know that I call you this, but when I decided that I would make the move to your home to help care for you, I changed your name  from "Grandma" to WILLOW!
Just F.Y.I. -Grandmother Willow is a Slightly Creepy looking, talking tree from the Disney movie, Pocahontas, but the reason you have received this special name is because, she is a Very Wise Woman, just like You!!
Willow you have always been a great lady in my eyes, I'm so Thankful for my time spent with you, all these years!

Somethings I remember from my childhood.

    Playing- I remember playing at your house when I was a little girl and spending a lot of   time with you and Grandpa.  I loved Playing the baby animal matching game and doing the Map puzzle,  I also loved listening to you tell stories of "the Farm" and all your Pets. and Watching Movies with  you! Playing the piano was also something I could watch you do for days, Such a talent, and one I hope to have someday.

Hair- I remember sitting on the couch as a little girl as you brushed my hair, and then I would brush your long beautiful hair. I used to love that, and I still love having people play with my hair to this day. I will Never forget coming over and seeing you without your Wig, for the 1st time, and I was Terrified that some Stranger was hanging your wash out to dry!!  I now have the chance to brush and fix your silvery white hair and I still enjoy it!

"Grandma Parties" were always a time for us to feel special! I remember all the fun things you planned for each of us, and how much fun all the cousins had spending time together and just being with Grandma!

Fishing! I remember that Fishing and being out with the Bugs was Not your Favorite, but you still came sometimes, and would spend time with the "cold, Dirty kids" in the car! Those were always fun trips, maybe you would disagree?

Kittens-   Cats and Kittens EVERYWHERE! I loved those baby kittens as a kid, they were so fun to carry around and pretend that they were my little babies! I grew up not being much of a cat person, until I adopted the 3 kittens and brought them home last year, I Loved Callie and her Kitties, and Prince Michael and Olive loved being Spoiled by you and somehow wormed their way onto your couch on more occasions than one!! Sorry Grandpa :)

Holidays- I have always been lucky to live by one set of Grandparents. I love the Holiday traditions that we as a family have enjoyed All the years growing up and I look forward to adding some of these traditions to my own family someday. Some of my Faves- Christmas Nativity and singing after,the last few years have gotten a little more eventful, but we always have a great time. Memorial day, grave decorating and BBQ,  4th of July Parade, BBQ and Fireworks. I love spending holidays with you and the Family.

Scriptures and Prayers- I have enjoyed the quiet times, reading scriptures and saying prayers with you. You have such a sweet spirit and I'm so blessed to have been able to have some of these special memories with you!

Laughing and Joking- Oh Willow, You are a Funny One!! You say some of the craziest things, and quite simply, some of them keep me laughing for days!
I'm so lucky to have been able to spend some quality time with you, and see this side of you that some people have never seen and probably wouldn't believe me even if I told them!!! Good Times :)

Willow, I hope you know, Just how much I love you! I feel pretty lucky to have had this time with you, and to have you as my "Willow" and have benefited from your sweet and loving Spirit. Your are someone who I look to and am so thankful that Heavenly Father has blessed my life by giving me one of the Best Grandma's in the world!

Disclaimer** From this post, it may seem as if Willow has gone to a better place, but No! She is Alive and Well, and I'll continue to make memories to add to this list, as time goes on :)

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