I need some excitement in my life. I haven't blogged for 4 days because My life is BORING :)
I need a hobby. I think I will take up Cake Decorating again, but this time For Real. Cake decorating can be expensive but I plan to learn all I can from YouTube and Blog stalking. I Love Blogs, I Love YouTube, I Love Frosting, I Love Cake so it seems Like a Perfect match.. I also love the idea of Cupcakes, they are just cute and fun and can I just say, the ones that are all the rage these days look like little pieces of Heaven. I have stayed FAR away from the Cupcakes shoppes in town because let's face it, I don't want to turn into the Chubby Cupcake Mascot. That would just be Wrong, OK maybe it wouldn't be so bad. Cupcakes are DeliSh!!!
Anyways if you find random plates of cupcakes or a fabulously decorated cakes turn up on your doorstep you can just Smile and know that there's probably more of that to come, so ENJOY or have a cupcake/cake throwing contest :)
I love this. Please don't leave any on my doorstep. Unless they are calorie free. And made of broccoli.