Tuesday, February 1, 2011

You are a Hoarder.. Say What?

Okay it's confession time. I am a Hoarder!! This is not a proud moment for me and This is Not a personal picture of my crap, rest assured.
Wow that feels good to get that out in the open. Ha Ha Alright in all honesty I am not a hoarder, I'm a Collector :) There is a difference, I'm just sure of it.
I have been told that I will never find a husband, because when he sees all my collections, he will Bail. Well sorry Man of My Dreams, I can't let that happen.
 Last week when I realized this, I decided to make a change. I have been working hard to get rid of stuff, let me tell ya, Not Easy. When I worked at the Craft store(BIG MISTAKE) I saw all these new and fun ideas and had the money to waste on crap, and that is just what I did. Now I still have it, and for the most part they are still unused, or tried and failed projects. So it's time!! I am doing well and feeling good about reclaiming my space. Can't wait to have a space where I can just go to relax or do my craft projects, that don't get chucked. Wish me Luck. Hopefully I can keep my motivation and help supply the D.I. with lots of fun new things.

1 comment:

  1. I love you. This makes me feel so much better about my sewing room. I soo need to clean it out-I have better plans for it.
