Day 3
Spring Break is Almost over. I can't believe it. Times goes So Fast, when you don't want it to!
The last 2 days have been fun, but nothing to crazy to blog about. Yesterday it was nice enough to play outside for a few minutes, so Reagan and I did some sidewalk chalk, Okay I drew a big Cupcake and she scribbled on my work of art. Rude :)
My cute goldfish that I had for years went to the Big Fishbowl in the sky yesterday, well actually, it went into a cold, dark muddy hole in the yard. Sad, but it was time. Sure was a great fish, so many memories together, like when it swallowed a Huge rock and I had to gently hold him as I pulled the rock out of it's mouth with tweezers. Good times ha ha.
Last night was also somewhat of an Adventure! Yes I was Brave or Crazy, Or BOTH. I went to Austin Kade(Cosmetology School) and had my hair Cut!! Yep that's right, I Stacy Chandler biggest chicken of ALL when it comes to cutting my hair, Let a Beginner take Scissors and Color to My head!!!
I will Not lie, I was Freaking Out Big Time, but life is all about taking risks and It's only Hair!! Well it may only be hair, But it's My hair, and taking risks, is Not one of my strong points, although I'm about to get a whole lot better at Risk Taking. Just You Wait!!!
Anyways Courtney gave Nathan a hair cut and did a great job, then it was My turn. Yep still freaking out, but I went for it! I had her cut 2 inches off and layered it and then added some brown streaks! I am wishing now that I would have went with darker streaks, but I wasn't that brave :) Maybe next time.
I'm pretty happy with how it turned out and feeling pretty good about this Risk! Yay for New Hair cuts
Day 4
Pretty Lame Day actually. Woke up throwing up from my headache, and feeling gross. I went visiting teaching and then spent some more time online researching cookie blogs, I'm ready to try again at the cookie decorating and trying a few new techniques. That's tomorrow. Can't wait, Can Ya??
Read an Ensign article and balled my eyes out. I Love Elder. Holland and I hate being an emotional girl.
I did a few random things and then went to lunch at Sonic, the sandwich was kinda Yucky, but the Lemon Berry Slush Was SO Delish. They are simply one of my most Favorite things in this world. I got the Rt 44 size which is huge and yes I finished it all by myself. I LOVE them SO MUCH!!
I made some cookie dough for tomorrow and then I finished off my fairly boring day Tanning! I Love tanning, I know it's dangerous and sometimes I get nervous, but I Love the Warmth and the Tan look that I have. It just does something to a girls self- esteem when she's has a glow to her once blinding white skin :) I also stopped at the party store and picked up some new Cookie Cutters. Pretty sad that cookie cutters can make a girl happy. Oh I'm So Excited about the high heel and Princess crown cookie cutters.
Looking forward to tomorrow and accomplishing some fun things.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
C is for COOKIES
Gotta Love Cookie Monster- He's got his Priorities in the Right Place
Like Cookie Monster. I'm learning to get my priorities in place and so with that I Made COOKIES
Sugar cookies with Glace' icing.
Here is how they turned out!!
Pretty cute for my 1st time, if I do say so myself!
I can't wait to make more and someone once said Practice makes Perfect, So I guess I better get going :)
Yep already Day 2 of my break.
Today is going to be a VERY Productive day. I plan on getting SO much Accomplished.
I started with a Hot shower then Laundry and a quick walk home and all before 9 am. Wow I'm Impressed. Ha Ha.
Today on the Agenda, is Working on getting my coupon binder up to date. This will be a "Daunting Task." I have not couponed for months and so my newspapers(5 Sunday) every week to be exact, have Piled up and I'm being over taken by bags and bags of newspapers, that I'm spending money for and not using! So I had to make a decision to either Use them or cancel my subscription. So I'm going to get my butt in gear and update the binder and start saving money, like I used to. I love saving money and seeing all the food stock up in my closets and cupboards. So Awesome!
I'm also going with Nate(for Moral support) as he get his hair cut, at Austin Kade from a "Beginner" Yikes. If it goes well, I plan on getting mine done Thursday. Kinda Freaking Out:) Nathan said" It's only hair, it'll grow back" Yep it's only hair, But I don't think I would look so Hot BALD!! I Can't just shave it, if it goes bad. Or Maybe I could. Ha Ha
My other project is to get All the pieces cut out for a Trip Around the World quilt, that I plan to make for Kali's new baby. Yikes!! I've got less than 3 weeks to get it finished. I'm so excited, It's brown and turquoise. I may just get it done and want to keep it. I guess I better get busy.
Well day 2 is over and I did Not accomplish as much as planned but it's okay I have more time tomorrow. Nathan didn't get his hair cut after sitting with him at the salon for 45 minutes just to find that she didn't have enough time. ARG not happy! Oh well such is life, tomorrow it is!!
Today is going to be a VERY Productive day. I plan on getting SO much Accomplished.
I started with a Hot shower then Laundry and a quick walk home and all before 9 am. Wow I'm Impressed. Ha Ha.
Today on the Agenda, is Working on getting my coupon binder up to date. This will be a "Daunting Task." I have not couponed for months and so my newspapers(5 Sunday) every week to be exact, have Piled up and I'm being over taken by bags and bags of newspapers, that I'm spending money for and not using! So I had to make a decision to either Use them or cancel my subscription. So I'm going to get my butt in gear and update the binder and start saving money, like I used to. I love saving money and seeing all the food stock up in my closets and cupboards. So Awesome!
I'm also going with Nate(for Moral support) as he get his hair cut, at Austin Kade from a "Beginner" Yikes. If it goes well, I plan on getting mine done Thursday. Kinda Freaking Out:) Nathan said" It's only hair, it'll grow back" Yep it's only hair, But I don't think I would look so Hot BALD!! I Can't just shave it, if it goes bad. Or Maybe I could. Ha Ha
My other project is to get All the pieces cut out for a Trip Around the World quilt, that I plan to make for Kali's new baby. Yikes!! I've got less than 3 weeks to get it finished. I'm so excited, It's brown and turquoise. I may just get it done and want to keep it. I guess I better get busy.
Well day 2 is over and I did Not accomplish as much as planned but it's okay I have more time tomorrow. Nathan didn't get his hair cut after sitting with him at the salon for 45 minutes just to find that she didn't have enough time. ARG not happy! Oh well such is life, tomorrow it is!!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
I Love when I have a Whole week off work. Some people enjoy their Spring break in Hawaii or Partying hard but Me.
I'm going to enjoy Not waking up at 5:30 A.M. Not having to work, Not doing, Anything I don't want too! Sounds Lame, Well so be it!
My first day of Spring Break started out with walking home(My choice) in the Snow. Yep that's right Stupid Snow. My little neighbor girl said to her mom " Isn't is supposed to be a green grass day???" I agree with Daria :)
I went Visiting Teaching, and then I played with 2 of my Favorite Girls. Avery & Carter, we made a Blanket river, and the carpet had Alligators so we had to stay on the blankets, or we'd get eaten! Yikes
Well Av reminded me often as I forgot and stepped in to the infested waters, that I was now missing a leg, or a toe, or My Neck!! Love that Girl. We made fun bug cookies with Green frosting of Course. Avery's Fave. And Carter, she is so big and has the most beautiful eyes and smile, When you can get it out of her. ha ha. She was laughing so hard as I pretended to "eat her toes" what a Happy girl. Love them both.
After the girls left I finished baking cookies and then Frosted them. Okay I'm planning to be a baker someday. I know I'm not great, but I love to create in the Kitchen! I have seen so many Amazing recipes that I MUST make, but if I do, I may die an early death, and Death doesn't sound to fun to me , Unless it's Death By Chocolate, then I'm Okay with it!!
Right now on my "To Do List" is to learn how to Decorate "Royal Frosting" cookies. You know the ones that are So cute and Glazed, and then decorated to the point of being too cute to eat!! Yep those are the ones. I have read So many blogs and have learned enough to begin, I think. Well after sitting and Decorating cookies for Hours(Dead serious) I realized that I'm Dang slow, and after I was finished, I didn't want anyone to eat them. Who Eats cookies, that took hours to decorate? Well My Family does, Okay, so do I!!
My first cookies turned out okay, but I look forward to practicing so they can be cuter, and I can be a whole lot faster!!
Well in a Nut shell that was Day 1- Fun and Productive(sorta)
On to Day 2
I'm going to enjoy Not waking up at 5:30 A.M. Not having to work, Not doing, Anything I don't want too! Sounds Lame, Well so be it!
My first day of Spring Break started out with walking home(My choice) in the Snow. Yep that's right Stupid Snow. My little neighbor girl said to her mom " Isn't is supposed to be a green grass day???" I agree with Daria :)
I went Visiting Teaching, and then I played with 2 of my Favorite Girls. Avery & Carter, we made a Blanket river, and the carpet had Alligators so we had to stay on the blankets, or we'd get eaten! Yikes
Well Av reminded me often as I forgot and stepped in to the infested waters, that I was now missing a leg, or a toe, or My Neck!! Love that Girl. We made fun bug cookies with Green frosting of Course. Avery's Fave. And Carter, she is so big and has the most beautiful eyes and smile, When you can get it out of her. ha ha. She was laughing so hard as I pretended to "eat her toes" what a Happy girl. Love them both.
After the girls left I finished baking cookies and then Frosted them. Okay I'm planning to be a baker someday. I know I'm not great, but I love to create in the Kitchen! I have seen so many Amazing recipes that I MUST make, but if I do, I may die an early death, and Death doesn't sound to fun to me , Unless it's Death By Chocolate, then I'm Okay with it!!
Right now on my "To Do List" is to learn how to Decorate "Royal Frosting" cookies. You know the ones that are So cute and Glazed, and then decorated to the point of being too cute to eat!! Yep those are the ones. I have read So many blogs and have learned enough to begin, I think. Well after sitting and Decorating cookies for Hours(Dead serious) I realized that I'm Dang slow, and after I was finished, I didn't want anyone to eat them. Who Eats cookies, that took hours to decorate? Well My Family does, Okay, so do I!!
My first cookies turned out okay, but I look forward to practicing so they can be cuter, and I can be a whole lot faster!!
Well in a Nut shell that was Day 1- Fun and Productive(sorta)
On to Day 2
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Stacy Chandler Is...

When I started this blog last year, I planned on using it as a Journal because journal writing is important in my mind, but I don't enjoy sitting down and writing.
I was challenged by a friend to write some things about who I am, so even though this blog is public, it's for me personally to write out things that I want and need to remember.
I'm not real good at talking about myself so this will be interesting, but here goes!!
Stacy Chandler is... I am a Daughter of a Heavenly Father who Loves me Unconditionally, I have a purpose and reason to be here on this earth, sometimes I question this, but I know Heavenly Father knows me and has a bigger plan for me than I can even comprehend, and I have complete trust in him, so I'm going with it. I have been blessed with Amazing and Loving Parents and I'm lucky enough to have the best siblings in the World. I truly love them all so much, and wouldn't be the woman I am today without their Love and Support. I have the world's cutest and feistiest niece and I've loved so much watching her grow into the sweetest "big" girl. She is so grown up for a 4yr old. And I can't wait to meet the new baby when "it's" born, sorry Baby :) I will spoil you rotten when you come, to make up for calling you "It". I am trying so hard to learn, that life is what you make it. We are all blessed or cursed(glass half full or empty approach) with challenges and trials, some not to hard to get over and some that seem like they could crush you, if you let them. In my opinion, trials are put in our lives to test us and see if we will stay strong and true to what we know. I pray that I can continue to learn and progress so that when trials and challenges come, I can face them with the courage that it will take to make Heavenly Father Proud. I've learned that I am someone who second guesses herself and questions Everything and I have always been shy and scared to fail, but at the Same time, deep deep down I'm determined to make things happen. It may take me awhile to accomplish my goals, but usually if it's something I want, I work hard to get it. I am so blessed to be a member of the LDS Church, and I know that my life would be So incredibly different if I didn't have the Gospel. I'm grateful to my parents for raising me and bringing me up in the church. I have a simple Testimony and hope to someday develop it into a strong unwavering one. I'm a pretty self conscious person and my lack of confidence has made me more afraid to try new things, but I'm learning that I can do things that I may not think are possible and be successful at them. I'm so proud of myself for the weight that I have been able to loose this past year and a half and for my Health challenge team members and Friends and Family, who cheered me on and pushed me when I wanted to quit and eat those Candy bars or M&M's, and I realize that even though I have more weight to loose, I finally feel pretty, and life is a whole lot more fun when you feel good inside and out. Another thing I have been blessed with, are some of the most amazing friends who teach me on a regular basis who I am and who I can be. I love them so much and am so grateful for each and everyone of them.
Like everyone I have Hopes and Dreams. I dream about the day(Sooner than Later, I hope) when I can go to the Temple and be Married. I have wanted this for SO LONG. I want more than anything to be a mom and raise a cute little family. To spend time teaching my kids to be strong in the Gospel, and have a Love for the Scriptures, and the teachings of the Prophets. I look forward to the day that I can take my kids on vacations and spend family time together building memories that will last forever. Families may seem like a simple thing to some people, but to me they are Everything. I know that I haven't been blessed with these things yet and I used to think I was a pretty patient girl, but lately I get discouraged that it's not my life, but I try to remember "That it's all in good time". Right?? I'm a hard worker and I absolutely Love the Kids I work with. My job is not always easy, but those kids are definitely the favorite part of my day. I have been lucky to work with some Really challenging kids, and they have brought me the most joy, because it takes more to love them, but in the end these kids have become my "own". Sometimes when times get tough at work, I'm reminded that these are Heavenly Fathers "Perfect" kids and I have the opportunity to be changed by knowing and Loving them. I really Love being a part of these amazing kids lives!
I'm grateful to be who I am, even if it's that I'm a quite, shy, under confident, tenderhearted, and some what selfish and prideful woman. I get to learn more about myself daily, and I look forward to becoming better and making progress toward making it back to Live with Heavenly Father and Jesus again. I love them so much and am so Grateful for the Atonement and the sacrifices that have been made, so that I have the opportunity to become clean and be forgiven for the mistakes I make. I love the gospel and am so thankful to know that as I do the things that I know are right, I can return to the open arms of the Savior.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
One Flaw In Women
Women have strengths that amaze men.....
They bear hardships and they carry burdens,
but they hold happiness, love and joy.
They smile when they want to scream.
They sing when they want to cry.
They cry when they are happy
and laugh when they are nervous.
They fight for what they believe in..
They stand up to injustice.
They don't take "no" for an answer
when they believe there is a better solution.
They go without so their family can have.
They go to the doctor with a frightened friend.
They love unconditionally.
They cry when their children excel
and cheer when their friends get awards.
They are happy when they hear about
a birth or a wedding.
Their hearts break when a friend dies.
They grieve at the loss of a family member,
yet they are strong when they
think there is no strength left.
They know that a hug and a kiss
can heal a broken heart.
Women come in all shapes, sizes and colors.
They'll drive, fly, walk, run or e-mail you
to show how much they care about you.
The heart of a woman is what
makes the world keep turning.
They bring joy, hope and love.
They have compassion and ideas.
They give moral support to their
family and friends.
Women have vital things to say
and everything to give.
They bear hardships and they carry burdens,
but they hold happiness, love and joy.
They smile when they want to scream.
They sing when they want to cry.
They cry when they are happy
and laugh when they are nervous.
They fight for what they believe in..
They stand up to injustice.
They don't take "no" for an answer
when they believe there is a better solution.
They go without so their family can have.
They go to the doctor with a frightened friend.
They love unconditionally.
They cry when their children excel
and cheer when their friends get awards.
They are happy when they hear about
a birth or a wedding.
Their hearts break when a friend dies.
They grieve at the loss of a family member,
yet they are strong when they
think there is no strength left.
They know that a hug and a kiss
can heal a broken heart.
Women come in all shapes, sizes and colors.
They'll drive, fly, walk, run or e-mail you
to show how much they care about you.
The heart of a woman is what
makes the world keep turning.
They bring joy, hope and love.
They have compassion and ideas.
They give moral support to their
family and friends.
Women have vital things to say
and everything to give.
This is a Good one to remember!
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Sometimes in life a little perspective is all it takes and sometimes it takes A Lot more.
Yesterday, I went to a funeral service for a girl that I grew up with. She was so young(33) and she left behind 3 young children. It's heartbreaking and sometimes hard to grasp. I know that there is a plan that I don't fully understand at times, but I know that Heavenly Father knows what he is doing.
As I talked to the 2 little kids yesterday, I'm not sure they fully understand what is happening, but my heart aches for them. Life is so hard as it is. but to not have a mom to help guide them, just seems so unfair.
Today in church I listened to a Sweet lady who has Cancer, stand and teach about taking care of our bodies, and being Grateful for Life and having the desire to be better. I couldn't make it through without crying. She is such an Amazing lady, who has done so much good in her life and has blessed so many people's lives just by knowing her.
I just don't understand Why Good people have to suffer? I know of so many situations where good people have to withstand trials that seem impossible to bear and they seem to make it through them stronger and better for it, but sometimes I just don't get it. I know it's my lack of faith and I hope to someday understand it all, but for today, I'm just so sad that people, I Love have to withstand trials that seem so hard for me to understand.
Yesterday, I went to a funeral service for a girl that I grew up with. She was so young(33) and she left behind 3 young children. It's heartbreaking and sometimes hard to grasp. I know that there is a plan that I don't fully understand at times, but I know that Heavenly Father knows what he is doing.
As I talked to the 2 little kids yesterday, I'm not sure they fully understand what is happening, but my heart aches for them. Life is so hard as it is. but to not have a mom to help guide them, just seems so unfair.
Today in church I listened to a Sweet lady who has Cancer, stand and teach about taking care of our bodies, and being Grateful for Life and having the desire to be better. I couldn't make it through without crying. She is such an Amazing lady, who has done so much good in her life and has blessed so many people's lives just by knowing her.
I just don't understand Why Good people have to suffer? I know of so many situations where good people have to withstand trials that seem impossible to bear and they seem to make it through them stronger and better for it, but sometimes I just don't get it. I know it's my lack of faith and I hope to someday understand it all, but for today, I'm just so sad that people, I Love have to withstand trials that seem so hard for me to understand.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Biebs I'm Star Struck
![]() |
Wait is that a Hair Flip??? DRINK DRINK DRINK!!! |
Last night I was coaxed into going to a movie all about this teen heart-throb. Not such a fan of the Biebs, but it's because I didn't take the opportunity to know him. ha ha Now that I Know him, he just seems like such a sweet kid! I can't say I would travel far to see him, or scream or cry if I was the "One Less Lonely Girl" Okay I'm totally lying, I would cry my eyes out :)
The best part of the night was having a huge theater to ourselves and more importantly totally Drinking to Biebs and Toasting the epic moments of the show! Probably my favorite toast was to " P- Diddy Snoop" Classic. Thanks Nate!!
Also I loved eating Kiwi Loco during the show, Such a Rebel.
And Did I mention the "Dougie" I'm not the most attractive dancer, but I gave the Dougie my best shot, and yes I have secretly been practicing. We have pic's to prove the insanity, EMBARRASSING, but I'm good with it! I Think!!!
All in all I'm star struck and Biebs you can buy me anything, even a Diamond ring, Eww not like that! I don't want to go to jail!! I just like Shiny Diamonds :)
Couldn't have asked for a better evening!!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
That's how I Roll- down memory lane
Okay it's confession time again!!
I am ADDICTED to Tootsie Rolls!!
I have always liked tootsie rolls. When I was younger I had a Tootsie roll chap stick, and because I already confessed to being addicted to these delicious treats, I will also confess, that I used to eat that chap stick! Gross right? well it worked, when the tootsie roll stash was out. I promise I don't eat chap stick Anymore, but I might if I could find a tootsie roll one again :)
I will always remember going to Cat's Pharmacy(favorite place on earth, as a kid) and putting my handful of change up on the counter and asking how many tootsie rolls I could buy. They were a penny, and they had all these great flavors like strawberry, grape, blue raspberry, and green apple. The sweet lady would tell me how many I could buy and I would sit and count out carefully, equal amounts of each color. I would get a whole bag and go off on my merry way. Such good times. I still feel a little bad sometimes for the staff at "Cats" they had to get tired of counting our change.
Well today I found a bag of "Child's Play" a delicious mix of Tootsie rolls and Dots, I am still in love with the little tootsie rolls wrapped in blue wrappers. They are vanilla flavored. So Good, and then the pink ones, followed by the lime flavored ones. Sorry Lemon and Orange, You did not make the cut! But my Favorite are still and will probably always be the Original Brown wrapped Chocolate flavored ones.
My life must be so boring because I just wrote a whole post about my Love of TOOTSIE ROLLS!!
Sunday, March 13, 2011
I have decided that I am wasting a lot of my life. I have 24 hrs in a day, that is a fact, that probably won't ever change, but I Need too. I have done some serious thinking lately and I'm tired of wasting my days doing Unimportant things. I know that someday I'm going to be held accountable for the things that I have done or Not done with my life. Kinda scares me. At this point, I don't have a Man to take care of(or is that the other way around??) I don't have babies to raise, so it's just me and I should take the opportunity to Live a little before Prince charming sweeps me off my feet. P.S. if you see said Prince, send him my way :) okay anyways, I spend part of my 24 hrs sleeping and some working and some playing, but I also Waste A lot of Time, so it's gonna stop. It's time to buckle down and make my life matter. I have done some "soul searching" and I want to be a better example like some of the great women I have the opportunity to know. Sometimes I'm pretty selfish, and I get caught up in ME.
I realize that I need to open my eyes and see those around me and help where I can. I also have decided that I have been given a brain and I'm not the smartest girl, and I give up quickly, if it's hard, but there are some things I Really want to do.
Here is a list of a few
I want to be a really good cook
I want to play the Flute again
I want to run a 5k
I 'm gonna master the piano
I want to serve those around me
I want to go to the Temple regularly
I really want to go to School
I want to be confident in knowing who I am
Now with that being said, some of these things scare the crap out of me, I'm not good with change, and like I said I don't like doing hard things, but for me to be able to grow, I HAVE TO!!
No more wasting time on the unimportant and moving on to more Essential things that will make me be a better person.
I realize that I need to open my eyes and see those around me and help where I can. I also have decided that I have been given a brain and I'm not the smartest girl, and I give up quickly, if it's hard, but there are some things I Really want to do.
Here is a list of a few
I want to be a really good cook
I want to play the Flute again
I want to run a 5k
I 'm gonna master the piano
I want to serve those around me
I want to go to the Temple regularly
I really want to go to School
I want to be confident in knowing who I am
Now with that being said, some of these things scare the crap out of me, I'm not good with change, and like I said I don't like doing hard things, but for me to be able to grow, I HAVE TO!!
No more wasting time on the unimportant and moving on to more Essential things that will make me be a better person.
Life Lessons
Friday, March 11, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
So that word is just Gross. Right? Why do people say I'm pooped, when they are tired? It makes no sense to me at all. it just grosses me out, so why am I blogging about it? Well I'm Exhausted, and that makes more sense rather than this other nasty statement!!
The RS Birthday party was a success! Food was Fantastic, Decorations turned out super cute and I loved seeing so many people there. I reconfirmed in my mind that I should NEVER and I mean NEVER speak in public again. I think I humiliate myself more, every time I get up, and not to mention the Stake RS presidency were there and they got to see my huge Lack of talent in Public speaking. Oh well, What's a girl to do. Go in the bathroom and cry? Well that's what I did for 2 seconds last night, then I pulled it together and finished the night with an Exhausted Smile!! Sometimes being an emotional girl sucks!
To top it off I might have a bladder infection, never had one before, but let me tell ya, it's PAINFUL. I'm pretty sure that I've drank my weight in Cranberry Juice and water the last 2 days and have ran a fever over 100. Not my idea of fun for a day off or ever! With drinking all this juice, I'm worried I might end up looking like this picture, Just a little more red than blue Not very pretty. So yeah, all in all I'm Pooped :)
Monday, March 7, 2011
Favorite New Quote and Picture
"He knows your name and knows your circumstance. He hears your prayers. He knows your hopes and dreams, including your fears and frustrations, And He knows what you can become through Faith in Him."
Elder Jeffery R. Holland
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Saturday, Which Means It's Almost Sunday.. AGAIN
Time Flies When Your Having Fun! Well I think, Time just Flies, no matter what! I feel like I was just barely putting on a dress for church. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy Church most days, but Sunday's are just not my favorite. Sunday clothes are so Overrated! and the fact that Sunday is just that much closer to the Relief Society Birthday Party. Is kinda freaking me out!!
It's coming together, I'm seeing it slowly take shape. YAY for parties, and I'm so excited the Grass in my cute pots are Growing!! My dad asked "if I was trying to grow Organisms??" My reply, nope just WEED , Not gonna lie, I kinda feel like a druggie. I've got my special lights and I take extra precautions to remove them at night so they don't get a chill, and would you judge me, If I talk to them?? Well, in my professional opinion, we all need a little encouragement from time to time. Pathetic, you say? I'm tough I can handle it.
Well I'm off to make more invites, and finish up the table decorations and then I'm off to the Dreaded Winco.
I really love Saturdays, Mainly, because I don't have to wear a Dress :) and I can get lots accomplished
I hope every body's weekend is fun filled and Relaxing!!!
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Dear Winco
I'm NOT your biggest fan, Sorry, I know you must be Heartbroken. I hate grocery shopping, especially at Winco, but today I needed to get some Baking supplies and so off to my favorite place besides Cal Ranch(that's another post for another day). we got behind a very Crabby shopper, she was old and probably doesn't enjoy shopping either, but Really? Then Birds flying overhead, Who wants birds flying over their produce? Not me, that's for sure, Gross, and then the WORST! Dear Winco shoppers in aisle (let's say) 11 PLEASE GET A ROOM! I know the canned fruit creates such a Romantic atmosphere, but Please save that for somewhere else, Um Maybe where I'm Not, Is that too much to Ask???? I think not, and to end this fabulous trip, we ended up behind the previously mentioned Crabby lady, who had forgotten her Debit card number and so because she had tried multiple times, she was locked out of her account, so she had to pay with a check, which Made her day just that much sweeter. So all in all that is just a few more reasons to add to my reasons why I'm not your # 1 fan.
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