Sunday, March 20, 2011


Sometimes in life a little perspective is all it takes and sometimes it takes A Lot more.
Yesterday, I went to a funeral service for a girl that I grew up with. She was so young(33) and she left behind 3 young children. It's heartbreaking and sometimes hard to grasp. I know that there is a plan that I don't fully understand at times, but I know that Heavenly Father knows what he is doing.
As I talked to the 2 little kids yesterday, I'm not sure they fully understand what is happening, but my heart aches for them. Life is so hard as it is. but to not have a mom to help guide them, just seems so unfair.

Today in church I listened to a Sweet lady who has Cancer, stand and teach about taking care of our bodies, and being Grateful for Life and having the desire to be better. I couldn't make it through without crying. She is such an Amazing lady, who has done so much good in her life and has blessed so many people's lives just by knowing her.

I just don't understand Why Good people have to suffer? I know of so many situations where good people have to withstand trials that seem impossible to bear and they seem to make it through them stronger and better for it, but sometimes I just don't get it. I know it's my lack of faith and I hope to someday understand it all, but for today, I'm just so sad that people, I Love have to withstand trials that seem so hard for me to understand.

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