Monday, November 22, 2010


During the Thanksgiving holiday, it's easy to see all the things we have to be grateful for. I think it's funny that we should always show gratitude. but sometimes we forget or just get so used to seeing all we have and we forget the importance of gratitude.I have so many things to be Grateful for. I figured I'd share 10 of the things I'm most grateful for.

1. My Family. I have 2 of the best parents(Of course I'm biased) 3 brothers, 1 older, 2 younger and I love them all. And 1 sister, she's pretty great too. I also am grateful for my extended family.  I love being a Chandler, Although, I have never really met my mom's family, I know that someday I'll have the opportunity to meet them.

2. The Gospel. I'm so grateful for the Savior and for the Atonement of Jesus Christ and the opportunity that I have to be a member of the LDS church and for all the blessings that have come into my life from being a member.

3. My Niece. I Love this girl! I'm so lucky that she lives close and I get to spend lots of time with her.

4. My friends. I have some great friends, who have always been examples to me and have showed me lots of support when I need it. They are the best!

5. My church calling. I love being in the Relief Society Presidency. This calling has helped me get to know the sisters in a different way, and also gives me the opportunity to give service.

6. My Job. I'm truly grateful to have a job that I love! I get to go to work everyday and spend time with some of the sweetest kids, sometimes not so sweet, but I love them just the same. I'm grateful to work with
the little Pre-Schoolers.

7. My Home. Right now I live at Willow's so technically I have 2 houses!! I'm grateful to know I have somewhere warm to go on cold days and a safe place to spend time.

8. Material Possessions. I know that probably sounds shallow, but I love the materialistic things of life. They truly make my life happy.

9.  Time. I love time, Time spent with family and friends, time spent sleeping, time spent outdoors, time spent giving service. time doing crafts and fun projects.

10. Outdoors. I love spending time outside when it's warm. Fishing, camping, gardening, playing in the pool, sun tanning, playing with the kids. I just love the warm sunshine!

So many things to be Thankful for. I love this time of year!

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